On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns to discuss customer service for maintenance staff. Key Takeaways While many parks have training programs for new staff, developing cultures of customer care is a better alternative. As Phil explains, the key comes down to training versus education. With training, you’re conditioning […]
Supporting Your Team To Do Work That Matters
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, special guest Sara Milbourne, Park Ranger at Rocky Gap State Park, joins the show to discuss supporting your team as park leadership. A Maryland Park Service Ranger and interpreter for almost two decades, Sara has a reputation for management and team building. Having pioneered dog-friendly initiatives and […]
Can Your Park Be Autonomous
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns to discuss the autonomy of state parks. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, decision-making in state parks was centralized at headquarters resulting in cookie-cutter approaches to management; however, as Phil explains, recent trends have empowered authority at the local level. Since each […]
A Look at Politics in Parks
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guests Jonathan and Destry Jarvis, join the show to discuss their book, National Parks Forever: Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence. Fusing experience with non-fiction, Jonathan and Destry unpack five decades of political tension involving state parks. Since 1972, conflicting perspectives in the Department […]
Why Rangers Wear the Campaign Hat
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns to discuss why rangers should commit to their campaign hat. While dress code is often a subjective topic, for park rangers, the uniform plays a valuable role. While badges have their place, as Phil explains, the campaign hat designates authority and captures […]
Should Parks be Self-Sufficient
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns to discuss why parks should be financially sufficient. While a complex topic in execution, the bottom line for a park’s financial structure is simple: Each state park should be sufficient to maintain operating expenses including maintenance and personnel. As Phil explains, this […]
State Park Leadership School
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns to discuss his final experience at the State Park Leadership School. Started by the National Association of Park Directors in 2005, Phil unpacks his role with the school in finding instructors, inspiring attendance, and delivering content. Since each state has different guidelines […]
Remembering Why We Do the Job
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, Park Supervisor, Rowdy Perry, joins the show to discuss his love and appreciation for state parks. As a former ranger turned supervisor for the Michigan Department of Nature Resources, Rowdy unpacks the attendance rise in his state, the psychological safety parks bring, and how park leaders should […]
Intended Consequences in Conversation
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, Ben Novak, Lead Scientist at Revive & Restore, rejoins the show to share recent conservation success stories. While intended consequences may seem like a vague term, in the context of environment preservation, this often refers to the calculated controlling of species and habitats to sustain life. In […]
How to Build a Winning Team
On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Host of the “Build a Winning Team” podcast, and former COO of Story Brand, joins the show to discuss his story and definition of success. A man of many hats, Tim Schurrer talks about the value of humility within a teamwork setting. Per his experiences, […]