Brent Leisure, Director of Texas State Parks, returns for another episode of the Park Leaders Show. This episode is short enough it could have easily been included on the first episode with Director Leisure. This conversation is a separate episode because it needs to be a separate conversation. We need to support parks at all […]
Communicating to All Levels of an Agency with Brent Leisure
Texas is big. If you haven’t been to Texas you have seen it on a map. No matter how you look at the state, it is big. The enormous geographic size creates a challenge when it comes to communicating to staff if they are spread across the state. Brent Leisure, Director of Texas State Parks Brent Leisure, […]
Gabon National Parks with Joseph Mayombo
Joseph Mayombo wants you to know about the National Parks of Gabon. Joseph wants everyone to know about Gabon National Parks. Gabon has one of the newest National Park Systems in the world. The World Ranger Congress was a perfect place for Rangers from Gabon to interact and exchange ideas with other Rangers from around […]
Building Young Leaders with Adrian Fernandez
Adrian Fernandez has an influence on young up and coming leaders in the National Park Service. Adrian is the Manager of the ProRanger Program at Temple University. The ProRanger Program offers a unique opportunity to 12 candidates each year to gain park ranger experience before they become a ranger. In the classroom, they learn the […]
Historic Landscape Management with Janine Conner
Historic means something entirely different in the United Kingdom than it does in the United States. Historic in the states is still fairly new compared to some of the historic buildings and landscapes found in the United Kingdom. Historic Landscape management in the United Kingdom can help parks in other countries understand how to manage […]
National Parks and the Navajo Nation with Ravis Henry
At the World Ranger Congress, Ravis Henry gave a program about the Navajo culture. Rangers from around the world took in his stories and songs about his culture and experience as a ranger. Ravis has a story that is unique, even among park rangers. Ravis is a ranger at Canyon De Chelly National Monument. Canyo De Shelly is […]
Our Dangerous Conservation Crisis with Dan Ashe
Are we facing a dangerous conservation crisis? When the Director of US Fish & Wildlife Service says we are facing a conservation crisis, you can believe we have a problem. An article in Field & Stream discussed a speech Director Dan Ashe gave about three issues we are facing in parks and conservation that are moving us […]
Creating a Trash Free Earth with Daisy Martinez
Daisy Martinez founded Trash Free Earth so her neighborhood park would look better. The idea spread and Trash Free Earth now hosts regular cleanups where a diverse collection of volunteers come together to make a park look beautiful. Trash Free Earth has created a patch challenge. People who accomplish all five elements of the challenge receive an […]
Keeping Stories Alive with Shelton Johnson
Shelton Johnson returns to the Park Leaders Show for episode 101. If you missed part 1 of his interview, you can listen to it here. In this episode, Shelton talks about the importance of telling stories. Shelton’s Buffalo Soldiers program at Yosemite National Park has brought a story back to life that the world nearly […]
Access to Outdoors is a Civil Rights Issue with Shelton Johnson
Being a park ranger is not usually a job that puts you in the spotlight. But every once in a while, a story gets discovered that needs to be shared with the world. That is what happened to Ranger Shelton Johnson. When he began telling the story of the Buffalo Soldiers experience in Yosemite, people began […]