Most parks work with volunteers. Some parks treat volunteers like stars. When this happens, word spreads in the volunteer community. But not all parks do well working with volunteers. This episode of The Park Leaders Episode, we have the opportunity to hear words directly from a volunteer. This volunteer offers tips and advice on how […]
Legend of the Spark Ranger
Roy Sullivan is a one of a kind park ranger. His story is so unique, we are still talking about him today. This episode of the Park Leaders Show, we share Roy’s story.
Park Leaders are Servant Leaders
All Park Leaders are servant leaders. We serve guests, employees, and the resources we vow to protect. Servant leaders recognize leadership is a stewardship responsibility. This style of leadership fits perfectly with people of parks. We serve the public and we serve resources. Kevin Monroe joins the Park Leaders Show to explain servant leadership and […]
How to Build a Reputation as a Leader
Commander Bill Overby joins the Park Leaders Show to help us all understand how to build a reputation as a leader. Commander Overby discusses his new consulting business, and how technology has changed the park experience for visitors and park rangers. After so many years in parks, first, as a park ranger followed by training […]
Why You Should Connect With Your Peers
Domenic Bravo, Director of Wyoming State Parks joins the Park Leaders Show to share his experience Domenic also discusses the National Association of State Parks Directors and why it is important to connect with our peers, no matter what our job in parks is. Wyoming State Parks is also contending for the National Recreation and Park […]
Introducing the European Ranger Federation
Tom Heenan, a ranger at BelhusWoods Country Park, joins the Park Leaders Show to talk about the European Ranger Federation. During our conversation, we talk about the issues Rangers face all over the world. Nature is the same and people are people, no matter if you are in Australia or the United Kingdom. Tom also […]
Understanding How and Why People Use Parks
Appropriate use of a park ensures sustainability for that park. This is how Jeff Hallo explains they balance between the balance between parks role in serving customers and conserving natural resources. Jeff is a social scientist and professor at Clemson University. The research Jeff does help parks create remarkable experiences for visitors while still being […]
What Do Kids Expect From Parks?
Have you ever stopped to wonder what kids want when they visit your park? Tigran Nahabedian, known as Junior Ranger Tigran, joins the Park Leaders Show to give you an insight of how kids see your park. Junior Ranger Tigran is no ordinary kid, though. He tours National Parks collecting Junior Ranger badges. He knows […]
What Makes a Great Interpreter?
We are all interpreters. Whether it is in your title or not, if you work in parks, you are an interpreter. Margot Carlock, Executive Director of National Association for Interpretation, joins the Park Leaders Show to talk about what makes a great interpreter. The National Association for Interpretation represents individuals from parks, zoos, aquariums, theme parks, […]
How a Leader Can Help New Rangers
In October 2016 we did an episode of the Park Leaders Show about the ProRanger Program at Temple University. In that episode, Brennan McAuley gave us a look at the program from a student’s point of view. Brennan returns to the Park Leaders Show to give us an update on what has happened with him […]