Marty Huseman is the Chief Ranger at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. Her career with the National Park Service has taken her all over the country. As she began her career, she was advised to take a job at a park most people have not heard of. She followed that advice and became a Park […]
Can National Parks Remain Relevant?
Ray Murray could be considered an environmental elder. He has been working in the field of parks, recreation, and conservation for decades. Ray is currently the Partnerships Program Chief for the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service. In this interview, Ray shares the biggest changes he has seen during his time with the […]
Park Rangers are Heroes with Amanda Loewe Llanes
I have had the opportunity to talk to many people about why they became a park ranger. Each story is personal and unique, but the answer Amanda Llanes gave really stood out. Amanda was a cadet at Skagit Valley College Parks Law Enforcement Academy when we introduced by Commander Bill Overby. She was attending the […]
Interpreting an Experience
During a camping trip at Maumee Bay State Park I watched as the park prepared for a Fourth of July celebration. Small flags lined the entrance road to the campground. Every campsite had an individual flag. Volunteers were meeting to discuss the plan for a bike parade the next day. Watching this made me consider […]
African American National Parks Day with Teresa Baker
Consider your last visits to our National Parks. Just pick one, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, or Mount Ranier. How many African-American faces did you see on your visit? Even better, when was the last time you saw an African-American face under the flat hat? It is clear there is a piece missing if the faces you […]
Parks are in the Business of People with Austin Bradley
Former Washington State Parks Director, Rex Derr, told me about the State Parks Leadership School. This School was founded by the National Association of State Park Directors. Upon learning more about the school, I knew anyone who attended would likely be a good guest for the Park Leaders Show. I called a few people who […]
Taking Ownership of Your Park with Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan may not be who you expect to talk about parks. Chris is is an adviser and strategist to professionals and owners. He is a New York Times best-selling author of seven books, including The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth. He is a sought-after key note speaker and has been on the Dr. Phil […]
What Will Your Legacy Be? with Richard Rojas, Sr.
I know Park Leaders is on a roll when I end up talking with someone like Richard Rojas. It is a sign to me the dots are starting to connect. I was introduced to Mr. Rojas through Jose Gonzalez of Latino Outdoors. I was introduced to Jose through John Griffith of the California Conservation Corps. […]
Ten Steps to Get the Most out of Working With Volunteers
At Park Leaders we examine issues relevant for park leaders. We have heard from more than one guest on the Park Leaders Show about how important volunteers are to the vitality of parks. There are steps you can take to ensure you get the most out of working with volunteers and they get value from working […]
Latinos and Parks with Jose Gonzalez
Park Leaders has been discussing diversity lately. Diversity is on of the most pressing issues to ensure parks remain relevant. You can not examine diversity in parks without coming across the name Jose Gonzalez. Jose is the founder of Latino Outdoors. Jose founded Latino Outdoors to connect leadership, culture, and communities with conservation, nature, and […]