Former Washington State Parks Director, Rex Derr, told me about the State Parks Leadership School. This School was founded by the National Association of State Park Directors. Upon learning more about the school, I knew anyone who attended would likely be a good guest for the Park Leaders Show.
I called a few people who attended, but only heard back from one. Matt O’Quinn, park manager of Powhatan State Park in Virginia, called me back and recommended I speak with Austin Bradley, the manager of Breaks Interstate Park.
It was a great recommendation. Austin Bradley is a sharp guy. He is an MBA with a sharp business sense, a passion for the outdoors, and discipline of a law enforcement officer. Austin manages a unique park, with land in both Virginia and Kentucky.
Austin Bradley and I discuss the challenges of his park, how to position yourself for a promotion, and ideas to keep in mind as your park is faced with budget cuts. Austin explains how parks are in the business of people.
• State Parks Leadership School
• Breaks Interstate Park
• Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv